garden , a set on Flickr.
So, I've been really lazy lately. I haven't been updating this blog very much. Well, until recently other than random rambling there was not much to post. I checked on the garden on May 29th and saw that things were growing!! I saw baby beans! :) Cicadas laying eggs in my hackberry bonsai! People say the cicadas are going to kill it... I don't believe them my bonsai looks so happy and healthy!
Then I started seeing other peoples gardens and hearing about their gardens and I started getting really depressed. So I went out and bought Miracle grow... Actually I think I bought miracle grow before I saw baby beans. Anyway, I bought miracle grow because our garden is just too little and I did not have any fruit or anything yet! People who live around me have big huge sunflower plants and tomato plants and everything.
Now that I've been using Miracle grow once a week for about three weeks now, things are really growing. I bought a soil testing kit as well to see if there are any other nutrients that are lacking. I'll post about the soil tests later. Tonight I get to enjoy the first fruit of all the labor! collard greens and cornbread dressing made with sage from the garden! I should probably make something with the cilantro too, it's about to flower.. :( Getting a little too hot for the cilantro now a days.
Oh I replanted carrots in containers.. They are not working out! sheesh.. So I found some mimosa tree seedlings and planted them in one of the pots so maybe one day I can have a beautiful Mimosa bonsai! How cool will that be?! Pretty cool, if you ask me! :)
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